
Demystifying ADHD: Brown, Jinks, and Slater Team Up to Help Kids

Texas psychiatrist Dawn Brown is demystifying Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) for both children and parents alike. Brown knows firsthand the struggles associated with ADHD, having received her own diagnosis at age 31. She believes that a combination of medication and ADHD coaching is the best way to treat the disorder. With ADHD coaching, children learn essential skills such as time management.

Brown is adamant that ADHD is not caused by “bad” parenting. Instead, she believes it is primarily a genetic disorder that is often overlooked or misunderstood.[0] To help tackle the issue, Brown has implemented her unique treatment plan to help kids with ADHD.

Brown is not the only one who is tackling the issue of ADHD. Artist Jon Jinks has also joined the fight. With no formal training beyond high school and junior college art classes, Jinks has created meaningful works of art, including drawings of rap stars, NBA legends, and cultural figures. His Sunday night tradition of dedicating two hours to each bag is an inspiring example of the work that can be done to spread awareness.

Finally, teacher Cassandra Slater at Uplift White Rock Hills Preparatory School brings an open mind and patience to her classroom of 27 students.[0] Her understanding attitude is an example of the kind of support needed to help children with ADHD.

Overall, Brown and her colleagues are working hard to demystify ADHD and provide the necessary resources to help kids with the disorder.

0. “Black Parenting Influencers To Follow In 2023” TODAY, 13 Feb. 2023,
